Pre-service training has been going well and I returned from my visit to permanent site in a small village in Balkan region this week. The village has a population of around 1,500 people and is surrounded by the beautiful Kopet Dag mountains. Its very remote and my host family are farmers that grow tomatoes, garlic, chilis, apricots, honey and other tasty fruits and veggies in the spring and summer. They have three small children who are quite energetic and I met several girls my age who are carpet weavers and they taught me how to weave a little bit and promised to help me learn their art. My counterpart is a really sweet older lady who is a midwife and there is a birth room at the small but cozy house of health. They are very excited to have me work there and although the winter months don't seem very inviting I think my work in the village will be interesting and the people are very welcoming.