Mary Carroll
September 2008
2008 Adagio Health- Pittsburgh, PA
Peer Educator, CAPP Program
Gave health education presentations at high schools, middle schools, after-school programs and community health fairs on topics including Puberty and Anatomy, Hygiene, HIV/AIDS and STD’s, Pregnancy Prevention, Abstinence, Goal Setting, Self Esteem, Decision Making, Assertiveness and Communication. Learned comprehensive sexual education curriculum and class management skills.
2008 Allegheny Reproductive Health Center- Pittsburgh, PA
Patient Advocate/Nurse Assistant
Assisted nurse in patient care in post-abortion recovery room by taking vital signs, charting patient progress and providing patient education and support. Worked with a team of excellent women’s healthcare providers and learned much from their expertise in medical and emotional issues associated with reproductive health.
2008 Center for Research on Healthcare, University of Pittsburgh- Pittsburgh, PA
Research Assistant- “Content Analysis of Substance Use in Popular Music” Primack, BA
Analyzed popular music for studies on adolescent substance use, sexuality, violence and depression and their relationship to media use. Authored several articles including one published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine and several forthcoming articles. Also gained skills in database management, Excel, Access and basic statistics.
Primack, B., Dalton, M., Carroll, M., Agarwal, A., Fine, M. (2008) Content Analysis of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs in Popular Music. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 162(2):169-175
2008 Homestead Community Center- Pittsburgh, PA
Bellydance Instructor
Taught belly dance class to a group of 5-10 girls from a local charter school, stressing positive body image and creativity.
2008 Private Arabic and English language instructor
Taught private lessons to American students learning Arabic and Arab students learning English several hours per week.
2007 The Midwife Center for Birth and Women’s Health, Pittsburgh, PA
Anthropology Internship
Assisted in office duties and outreach opportunities at a women’s health center and initiated grant-writing projects. Attended birthing classes, shadowed midwives in gynecological and post-partum visits and assisted midwives in the births of two babies through labor support, logistics and fetal heart tone monitoring.
2007 University of Pittsburgh-First Experiences in Teaching
Arabic Teaching Assistant
Assisted Arabic 1 professor during class, taught lessons, prepared worksheets, assignments and other supplementary materials such as movies and audio clips. Gave office hour tutoring and exam review sessions.
2007-2008 Freelance Henna Artist
Created henna body art for various parties and community events.
2007 Ruwwad Community Center- Amman Jordan
Children’s Library Volunteer
Read to children in the community center library and gave informal English lessons.
2006 Prevention Point Pittsburgh
Needle Exchange Volunteer
Filled orders for clean syringes and supplies for exchangers.
2006 Gudran Community Center- Alexandria, Egypt
International Art Camp Volunteer
Organized and taught workshops on painting, drawing, origami and games for local children in a fishing village community center.
2005-2007 Student Global AIDS Project, University of Pittsburgh
President and Community Outreach Chair
Led group meetings and officer meetings, organized events such as the annual World AIDS Day event and benefit Prom fundraiser, organized volunteer activities such as Shepherd’s Wellness Dinners – weekly dinners for those affected by HIV/AIDS-, trips to Washington D.C. and coordinated partner projects with other campus organizations.
2005 Global Links- Pittsburgh, PA
Medical Supply Assistant
Sorted and packed surplus unused medical supplies from local hospitals for shipment to needy hospitals and clinics around the world. Set-up volunteer projects and assisted volunteers.
2004-2005 America Reads Challenge, University of Pittsburgh
Reading Tutor
Tutored several 5th grade students at Vann Elementary School in supplementary reading skills three times per week.
2004-2007 University of Pittsburgh
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Linguistics
2007 Critical Language Scholarship, US Department of Education and US Department of State
Intermediate Arabic Language Program- Amman, Jordan
2006 Study Abroad Scholarship, Study Abroad Office, University of Pittsburgh
Semester abroad at American University in Cairo, Egypt
2005 Brackenridge Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Linguistics Research Presentation “Narrowing the Gap: Language, Gender and Authority”
2004-2008 Medical Anthropology Credits- 3
Islamic Civilization Credits- 3
Language, Ethnicity and Nationalism Credits-3
Bird-dogging Political Action Training- Health GAP/ACT UP Philly
2001-2002 Rotary Youth Exchange Program
Exchange Student- Pune, India
Foreign Languages
Arabic- advanced proficiency
Hindi- basic proficiency
Spanish- basic familiarity
Personal Interests/Hobbies
Hiking, Dance (Belly dance, Modern, Folk), Henna/Mehndi, Middle Eastern and Indian Culture, Reading, Poetry, HIV/AIDS education and political activism, Charity events, Public Health, Biking, Running, Religion and Spirituality, Women’s Rights, Non-violence, Social Justice, Couch-surfing, Sewing, Crocheting, Singing.